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The following individuals have property on which they would like hives located. If you have a hive(s) and are interested in any of these locations, you may contact the person directly. The West Plains Beekeepers Association does not accept any responsibility for any arrangements that are made.


The following individuals have hives and are interested in locating their hive(s) to another location. If you have a location that you would like to have hives, you may contact the person directly. The West Plains Beekeepers Association does not accept any responsibility for any arrangements that are made.

Paul Stevens  (509) 991-2756;    Fenced backyard located in Cheney, secure and neighbors would enjoy the pollination a hive provides. Can be left all year long.;(2022)
Kelli Lawler  (760)821-5582  I have 100 acres in Republic, off of Hwy 21, fruit trees, alfalfa and pasture land, I have a river running thru property as well as a creek, would like to have hives on property near forest entrance, hives will be secluded and protected.(2022)  
Barb and Vern Brock  (509) 263-7593 home  30 acres between Cheney and Spokane, huge organic garden, lots of lavender, flowering bushes, roses, water sources, several acres of wetland, and lots of wildflowers;(2021)  
Susan Tergeson  (206)755-8665 home   located in Spokane, South Hill in the Lincoln Heights area. Would like to house a couple of hives in my backyard (2022)  
Gayle Hennings  (509) 220-7551 cell; gaylehennings@aol.com  Acres near Medical Lake (2020)  
Jim Hopkins  (509) 609-3629  located 15 miles outside of Kettle Falls with access to approximately 1000 acres of bee forage including alfalfa fields, water available. (2020)  
Valerie Fawcett  (509) 869-8088   11 acres in the Moran Prairie area with fruit trees, lavender, berries, etc. (2020)  
Sunny Luck



In south Pend Oreille County, 160 acres about 3 miles from Diamond Lake. I have 160 acres of field and forest land with an 8 acre pond and no chemicals used. I would absolutely love to host hives for someone who knows what they’re doing . (2020)  
Chelsea Bell  (509) 869-0362  60 acres in Otis Orchards with surrounding alfalfa fields, wild flowers, fruit trees, etc. (2019)  
Ronald VanAusdal  (509) 290-1540;    9.5 acres between Tylor and Cheney. We will be planting an orchard and would like to allow a hive in exchange for honey;(2020)
Curtis & Julie Templin  (509) 991-3954;    40 acre farm on the edge of Ritzville; 20 acres alfalfa not cut until bloom; do not use pesticides and land is managed as organic. Neighbors have 100 acres of alfalfa and fields with sunflowers, potatoes, field peas. ;(2020)
Alice Burrows  aaburrows@hotmail.com;    10 acres in south west Spokane (2 miles off 195);(2020)
Peachy Keen Farm  (509) 280-0321;    Organic orchard with fresh water. Want pollination;(2020)