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Journeyman Class

Class Dates


 Journeyman Class

The Journeyman Course offered by the West Plains Beekeepers is intended for the serious beekeeper who wants to advance their own beekeeping knowledge and/or who is considering becoming a sideliner or commercial beekeeper.  The course will be offered on six Monday and Thursday evenings in June from 6 – 8 pm at the Medical Lake Pizza Factory, 123 S. Broad St.  See the schedule below.

Pre-requisites for the course are:

  • Be a current member of the Washington State Beekeepers Association (WASBA),
  • Be a current member of a local beekeeping group,
  • Has passed the WASBA Apprentice course,
  • Has kept colonies for at least 3 years after having taken the Apprentice course. (Exceptions can be made. Contact">

Besides successfully completing the Journeyman course, achieving Washington State Beekeepers Association Journeyman level certification requires that the student:  (These requirements will be discussed at the first-class session.)

  • Keep a bee journal for at least 2 years,
  • Earn at least 35 Public Service Points,
  • Mentor a new beekeeper,
  • Pass the Journeyman Field Test Report.

The course includes a 187-page manual with color photographs, discussions of each chapter led by experienced beekeepers from the area and supplemented with PowerPoint slides and other media as appropriate.  The student is expected to study the manual between classes and review suggested additional resources to prepare for class discussions.  Optional homework assignments are also available.  There will be a test at the end of the course.  The topics to be covered include:

  1. Honey Bee Biology
  2. Recognizing Diseases and Pests
  3. Prevention and Treatment of Diseases and Pests
  4. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Management Practices
  5. Selling Honey Bees, Products and Services
  6. Different Types of Hives
  7. Queen Rearing Processes
  8. Disappearance of Honey Bees From the Hive
  9. Relationship Between Honey Bees and Plants
  10. Laws and Regulations

The course costs $100.00.  Register below using PayPal

The classes will be in-person on the following dates from 6-8 pm:

June 3 (Monday)

June 6 (Thursday)

June 10 (Monday)

June 13 (Thursday)

June 17 (Monday)

June 24 (Monday)

Journeyman Course

 Cost:  $100.00

Beekeeping Classes



There are no beginning classes scheduled at this time.  If you want to be notified when we schedule an upcoming class please send us a message and we will add you to our notification list: