< back Organizations
- American Beekeeping Federation - Acts on behalf of the beekeeping industry on issues affecting the various sectors of the industry.
- Washington State Beekeepers Association - Serves hobbyist and professional Beekeepers in Washinton State.
- Inland Empire Beekeepers Association - A group offering a forum to beekeepers in the area surrounding Spokane, Washington and Northern Idaho.
- Backyard Beekeepers - An Association serving the hobbist beekeeper in north Spokane County and Idaho Panhandle areas.
- WSU Honey Bees + Polinators - Information on research in the Diagnostic Lab, the Research Lab, and on the Breeding Program at Washington State University.
- Washington State Department of Agriculture. Apiary - Washington State information on beekeeping including apriary registration forms, laws and rules.
- Bee Informed Partnership - Up-to-date summaries of date from the nation's beekeepers.
- Project Apis M - Funds and directs research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production.
- Honey Bee Health Coalition - Works to foster healthy bee and native pollinator populations.
- eXtension - America's Research-Based Learning Network - Delivers research-based information emerging from America's land-grant university system including Washington State University.
- USDA Agricultural Research Service Bee Research - Conducts research on the biology and control of honey bee parasites, diseases, and pests to ensure an adequate supply of bees for pollination and honey production.
- Pollinator Stewardship Council - Defends managed and nature pollinators... from the adverse impact of pesticides.
- Apis Information Resource Center - Seeks to promote beekeeping through a wide range of topics that are of interest to both the beginner and advanced beekeeper.
- Bee Friendly Initiative - Collaborative research project by Washington State University, Department of Entomology and the Washington State Beekeepers Association to "Give Bees a Chance" through mushroom extract feeding.
- Pollinator Partnership - Mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. Includes planting guide resources by region
- Pollinator Network @ Cornell - A multidisciplinary group of researchers, extension personnel, and students that collectively work to understand wild and managed pollinators.
- Xerces Society - Working to protect invertebrates and their habitats.
- Bee City USA/Bee Campus USA - Raise Awareness, Enhanse Habitats, Celebrate Achievements - Making the World Safer for Pollinators One City/One Campus At a Time