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Contact Information:

WestPlainsBeekeepersAssociation PhoneNumberContactCallMarker  Phone:  801-923-3797

WestPlainsBeekeepersAssociation PhoneNumberContactCallMarkerMail:  PO Box 134, Medical Lake, WA 99022

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9/20 - Preparing for winter
10/18 - Kay Heinrich, Airway Heights Correction Center's Beekeeping Program for Inmates
11/ 15 - Joe Geiger demonstrating how to essemble and wire frames
12/20 - Tim Hiatt discussing Beekeeping Liability action in recent WA state legislation and a look at commercial beekeeping
1/17 - Margo Buckles, Ellen Miller, and Jack Miller presenting what they learned at the Dr. Tom Seeley lecture series at the University of Montana: bee communication; feral bees in NY and resistance to Varroa; and bees as a honey factory (this may be divided into two presentations)
2/ 21 - Shari Townsend will talk about what they don't tell you in beekeeping classes
3/20 - Marilyn Geiger and Mary Brodahl discussing Plants for nectar and pollen from Spring through Fall
4/17 - David McMillian will discuss his varied adventures in catch swarms
5/15 - Mike and Bridget Curry will talk about their bee house and their first winter's experience


Officers Through June 2025:

Margo Buckles, Co-President

Ellen Miller,  Co-President

 Susan Terjeson, Secretary

 Wayne DeistTreasurer